The day you wake up and you realise your totally living the dream! 
This is what happened to me, 
I got into The Lion King, it was my first Portal to my dreams coming true and i had to take it. 
No one told me however, it was going to be this hard! Demotivated some nights, tired, Frustrated and also the Shit that goes back stage, the back stabbing, the rudeness to one another, the persona's people put on.

When people say preforming is a cut throat industry, thats an understatement. 
As you thought, you get out of school you're optimistic, your drive to get there kicks in overdrive, but after many rejections, the ones that are left, fight and take what they can, and tho Musicals were defiantly not my first Choice before, They have opened my eyes to something more special then ever imaged, i had to grow up fast!

It taught me how to be a grown up, how to deal with people and how to look after myself, my name as a performer! 
Things that being at school didn't teach me.

The repetition every night! 8 shows a week, it does beat the love out of you! After the manyith show, your no longer dancing but performing steps that become so familiar to you, you fall asleep, the strain on your body and mind, as you no longer have the important times with your friends, to sleep early or to even have a dinner onetime! 
You loose friends, some disconnect, your priorities change! 
But you know that they all always be there for you!

As a performer you give up everything, you become the JOB! You find time to fit your friend sessions before you totally loose control.

I see celebrities turn to drugs, alcohol and sometimes even death, its this question!


Of course nothing is perfect but the life of a performer is far from perfect! 
Im not even at the top and yet I'm already bragging on about how difficult it is!


It is the dream! I wouldn't have it any other way!!! 
I love what i do and i know that regret is never an option! 
Im a fighter who believes in myself, and i know who i am as a person and a performer to take myself to the top!
I won't settle for anything less for myself, and its this drive that gets me crazy for things!
I might not be bird man, but i WILL BE!!! and its these little steps that take you to the top!!! and in these 2 years 
It will be so hard, but, ill get there!! JUST YOU WATCH!!!!!